24 February 2025
The National Committee on Social Protection held a meeting at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement here this afternoon, addressed by Chairman of the committee Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win.
Also present were vice chairs of the committee, union ministers, deputy ministers, the deputy auditor-general, the permanent secretary, directors general and officials.In his address, the Vice-Senior General said today’s meeting was the 8th meeting of the committee.
The current social protection undertakings must be further broadened by applying year-by-year improving work implementation methods through suggestions and resolutions of the meeting.
The National Level Social Protection Strategy (2014) of Myanmar, adopted for carrying out social protection activities is now ten years old. Union minister members of the committee and departments must collect the progress of work in connection with the task of the strategy during the ten-year period, and must document its pros and cons. This process will enable the coming governments to further improve and widen social protection undertakings, which has two parts. The first one is the Social Insurance System, set up with the funds proportionately contributed by the employers and employees and State’s fair contribution, and the social security teams under the MoSWRR are applying this system. The second is the Social Assistance Scheme, set up by the State funds and contributions of well-wishers, and MoSWRR is implementing it. Today, the MoSWRR’s undertakings will be discussed.
With the aim of carrying out social protection undertakings in connection with the international community and sharing the good practices with other member countries, Myanmar has been cooperating with 338 bodies of 163 countries of the International Social Security Association-ISSA) since 4 October 1927. Moreover, Myanmar became a member of ASEAN Social Security Association-ASSA, with the aim of sharing good experience and practices, on 10 September 2015 after signing the MoU. The country is now working together with 20 social security bodies of 10 ASEAN member states.
Social protection has nine kinds of benefits. They are: healthcare benefit, sickness benefit, unemployment benefit, old age benefit, workplace injury benefit, benefit for family support, maternity benefit, survivor benefit, and critical injury benefit. The amount of each benefit depends on the financial power. Myanmar is conducting social protection activities with international cooperation. The Social Welfare Department is planning to provide Social Pension for 85 and above seniors, and launch the Maternal and Child Cash Transfer Program (MCCT) for expectant mothers and their children under two years of age in fiscal year 2024-2025 through Myanmar Economic Bank branches.
The two schemes are covered by its financial aid program for social protection.The department is also planning to start a financial aid program for children under two years of age. Officials must ensure that no child is left behind in their all-inclusive intellectual development scheme for children under two years of age.
In addition, the Anti-Corruption Commission will also initiate a social protection financial assistance program through the ongoing “Public Feedback Programme (PFP).” Furthermore, the relevant ministries are facing challenges in securing funding for the implementation of social protection programs.
Immediate action must be taken to implement measures that will enhance social protection activities. At present, support is provided through state funds, and preparations must be made to increase this support in the future. Likewise, employers should explore various ways to provide support to their employees. He stated the intention to discuss not only current activities but also future support programs, with a focus on the state’s financial sector.
Social protection services are present in every country. Globally, social protection spending accounts for 12.9 percent of GDP, while in the lowest-income countries, it represents only 1.1 percent of GDP. The percentage of support can be observed based on each country’s GDP. A study should be conducted to analyze the support provided by various countries and compare it with the support provided by our own country.
In addition, to grant exemptions for the elderly under the Elderly Law enacted in 2016, particularly regarding the issuance of senior citizen identification cards, the first step is to engage in discussions with the relevant ministries to negotiate exemptions and concessions in the regulations, focusing on the services they can offer. In the second step, the committee should issue a public notice to inform the public about the exemptions and percentage reductions available for each service. The third step should be to collect, verify, and issue identification cards to senior citizens based on their age group. Additionally, social management information should be continuously updated.
Social protection activities are essential responsibilities for any government. Furthermore, he stated that, as these are investment projects that directly benefit the public, attendees should openly discuss the implementation status of the relevant sectors, future plans, and necessary recommendations.
Subsequently, Union Minister Dr. Soe Win, Vice Chairman of the National Committee for Social Protection, delivered a presentation on the national strategic plans for social protection, ongoing activities, and future initiatives. Next, Vice Chairman Union Minister U Chit Swe explained and discussed the Ministry of Labor’s efforts in providing full benefits and medical treatment to insured workers. Then, Vice Chairman Union Minister Dr. Thet Khaing Win explained and presented the measures taken to improve healthcare quality and reduce the public’s financial contributions.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister U Soe Kyi, Secretary of the National Committee for Social Protection, provided an explanation on the implementation of the decisions made at the previous meeting.
Then, Deputy Ministers who are members of the National Committee for Social Protection discussed the implementation of social protection activities, collaborations, and recommendations from their respective ministries.
Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General coordinated the necessary actions based on the discussions and presentations, delivered concluding remarks, and closed the meeting.