(12 February 2025)
Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,
On this auspicious occasion of the 78th Anniversary of Union Day, which falls on 12 February 2025, I extend my heartfelt greetings and best wishes to all our national brethren who live together in unity and harmony across the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. May you all be blessed with prosperity, happiness, and physical and mental well-being.
Myanmar stood tall as a unified sovereign nation across the world throughout its history, from the Bagan era to the Konbaung era. However, due to three aggressive invasions by British colonialists, the entire country fell under colonial rule in 1885.
The people of the Union have long struggled with unity and determination to regain the independence and sovereignty they lost. Even when the British granted independence to Myanmar, they attempted to divide the country by granting independence only to the main land while leaving the mountainous areas out, implementing a divide-and-rule policy to weaken national unity. However, with the firm resolution that independence should be achieved collectively without distinction between the central region and the ethnic states, General Aung San and 23 ethnic leaders signed the historic Panglong Agreement on the morning of 12 February 1947, in Panglong. As a result, Myanmar regained its independence and sovereignty on 4 January 1948. In honour of this spirit of unity, 12 February, the day the historic Panglong Agreement for the sake of regaining independence of the nation was signed, was designated as the Union Day. The Union Day celebrations have been held annually for the past 78 years.
Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,
The unique characteristic of our nation is that more than 130 ethnic groups live together in unity throughout the entire Union. If people from different regions and ethnic backgrounds treat one another with loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity—the four cardinal virtues—they will be able to build a peaceful and prosperous society. Similarly, if every citizen lives together in unity, based on a deep sense of patriotism—protecting and preserving their nation and ethnicity, maintaining national prestige, and safeguarding cultural and national identity—then the Union will remain strong and stable for a long time.
It is the inherent duty of all Union-born ethnic nationals to safeguard and preserve the territorial integrity of the Union, which has been inherited from ancient Myanmar kings and ancestors. This includes safeguarding the non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity, and perpetuation of sovereignty. Therefore, all Union citizens are urged to uphold the “Union spirit, nationalistic spirit, and genuine patriotism to ensure the lasting stability and development of the Union.
Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,
All ethnic groups residing in Myanmar have been national brethren, living together on the same land and sharing the same fortune for countless generations. Although they may differ in birthplace, region of residence, upbringing, religion, language, literature, culture, arts, and traditions, they share the same Union blood. With this sense of unity, they have always respected and valued one another, living together in harmony with a long-standing tradition of solidarity and mutual affection.
Ethnic national people inherently possess a peaceful nature, a desire to live harmoniously, compassion for one another, and a strong willingness to support each other. They have a sincere and pure-hearted mindset. However, due to the colonial “divide-and-rule” strategy, armed conflicts have persisted among ethnic national brethren, disrupting peace and stability to this day. Over generations, peace negotiations have been conducted to address these conflicts. Efforts continue to achieve lasting and durable peace by signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) to end armed conflicts.
The State Administration Council is engaged in discussions with political parties and ethnic armed organizations to achieve internal peace and durable peace. While there may be differences in opinions among individuals when applying the multi-party democratic system, demanding one’s desires through armed terror act means is an incorrect approach that will not lead to beneficial results. Therefore, misunderstandings and conflicts between our ethnic groups should only be resolved through dialogue. Consequently, we continuously open the door to peace and welcome efforts to solve political problems through political means. We also request that local ethnic people have to encourage ethnic armed groups to seek solutions to their desires through political means by engaging in detailed negotiations. Thus, I would like to urge “ethnic people to actively work together towards achieving durable peace, emphasizing the importance of engaging in dialogue and negotiations to cease armed conflicts”. Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,
A united country, a harmonious country, and a country that strives together will always be in a state of perpetual development and progress. Without unity and harmony, a country will decay and vanish like salt in water. Therefore, the development and progress of a country must be driven by the unity and harmony of its people. The fundamental and most essential requirement for a country’s development is peace and stability. Only when the country forges peace and stability will the government initiate the rule of law, ensuring the safety and security of the people’s lives, property, and the protection of their livelihoods, as well as the growth of the social economy.
Some foreign countries are intentionally escalating domestic conflicts in our nation to the point of regional conflicts while attempting to solve our internal issues and disputes. We must be cautious that, should the unity of our country fracture, external forces might exploit the situation to extend their influence under the guise of neocolonialism. To ensure that the Republic of the Union of Myanmar remains strong, independent, and sovereign, and to prevent it from becoming a puppet state under the control of others, it is crucial for all ethnic people of the country to unite, reject terrorism, and work towards the stability, peace, rule of law, and economic development of the nation. The government, Tatmadaw, and people must remain united in spirit and effort to ensure the nation’s survival and stability. Therefore, I urge all ethnic people in the Union to work together with the government, Tatmadaw, and citizens for the peaceful stability and rule of law in our country.
Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,
The State Administration Council will continue to work towards transferring power to a government that emerges from a free and fair multiparty democratic general election, in accordance with the five-step roadmap. A credible election and a prestigious parliament will be organized. Political parties are allowed to register in accordance with the law, and we are focused on ensuring the participation of all parties. Preparations for the election are ongoing, including the successful completion of the national population and household registration in 2024. The initial voter list has been officially published, and the accurate, verified list has been submitted to the Union Election Commission in order to continue the process of preparations for the election.
The election will apply a voting system with the use of Myanmar Electronic will be conducted for those not currently included in the existing lists, and their cases will be reviewed and submitted for additional support in a syste-matic manner.
Utilizing the summer school Break effectively
Regarding the summer school break, it is necessary to ensure that students make productive use of their holidays. Measures should be taken to encourage them to review and study pre-viously learned lessons, as well as to participate in basic training courses that will benefit them, such as English and computer skills. During the school break, plans are also being made to provide refresher training for educational staff to enhance their skills. It is emphasized that the education system aims to provide schooling for every child up to KG + 9. Upon receiving these instructions, regio-nal and state chief ministers are expected to discuss and implement them with the respon-sible authorities.
Following this, the chief ministers of the regions and states explained the regional needs and the current status of ongo-ing activities.
Subsequently, during the general discussion, the Chairman of the Industrial Development Commission,General Mya Tun Oo, presented updates on the implementation of industrial sector development initiatives. The Chairman of the Electricity and Energy Development Commission, Admiral Tin Aung San, discussed the progress in the electricity and energy sector. Union Minister for Defence General Maung Maung Aye addressed matters related to the recruitment of civilian mili-tary personnel. The Chairman of the Agriculture and Livestock Development Commission, General Nyo Saw, reported on the implementation of agricultural and livestock sector development activities. Union Mini-ster for Planning and Finance U Win Shein elaborated on regional and state GDP growth, the disbursement of funds from the National Economic Development Fund, and the provision of assistance funds for temporarily displaced persons. Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe discussed international relations and cooperation matters. Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung highlighted efforts to enhance the capabilities of the Myanmar Police Force. Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation U Min Naung presented updates on the development of the agriculture and livestock sectors. Joint Secretary of the Council General Ye Win Oo discussed security, rule of law, arms and ammunition control, drug suppression, the identification of unlicensed vehicles, and environmental conserva-tion and smoke-free initiatives.
Afterward, Vice-Senior General Soe Win emphasized the need for systematic implemen-tation of physical, health, and disciplinary inspections related to civilian recruitment and screening. He stressed that civilian military service recruitment must strictly adhere to the law, and forced conscription must not occur. Regarding MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), he noted that solar energy systems could meet electricity needs and achieve breakeven within three years. He urged region and state chief ministers to promote the use of solar systems among MSMEs in their respective areas. He highlighted that MSMEs significantly contribute to na-tional development, which is why the Union-level MSME Product Exhibition and Com-petition is being held on a grand scale with ambitious goals. He mentioned that efforts are being made to connect businesses with foreign markets through economic attachés at Myanmar embassies and to link entrepreneurs with banks to address financial needs. He also stressed the importance of timely reporting to the State Administration Council on critical issues arising in border areas.
The Chairman of the State Administration Council, the Prime Minister emphasized boosting crude oil production, identifying non-agricultural and vacant lands for solar power projects, and advancing electricity and energy sector development through solar power plant con-struction in these areas.
Then, the Senior General provided subsidies for people who were temporarily displaced due to the terrorist incidents, which were received by the Chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Council and the Chief Ministers of the regions and states.
Then, in his concluding remarks, the Senior General said that the smoke-free policy inclu-ded in the general discussions is also being implemented internationally, and that everyone needs to work together to clean up smoke and air. In addition to those arrested in the investi-gation of unlicensed vehicles, it is necessary to investigate and take action against the administrative and security officials involved in the case. It is also necessary to investigate and take action against unlicen-sed motorcycles. It is necessary to investigate and take action against the import and export of illegal goods, which can cause great harm to the country.
It is also necessary to effe-ctively investigate and take action against online fraud and online gambling. It is necessary for the Myanmar police and security forces to obtain infor-mation and take action. Regarding drugs, there are production, transportation, storage and sale, and they are transported across cities, so they must be systematically investigated and taken action. It is also necessary to investigate and take action against those who have committed crimes and fled from foreign countries by marrying local ethnic people in border areas and obtaining the citizenship. Therefore, relevant administrative officials need to systematically identify illegal marriages between foreigners and our citizens.
The Senior General emphasized the need to establish more libraries and continuously promote reading while enhancing library services.