A doctor from Paletwa Hospital was arrested by AA and has not been released even after 3 days

5 October 2024

According to local residents, a doctor from Paletwa Hospital, Chin State, who was arrested by AA. He was arrested on September 29th, and the reason for his arrest is unknown, according to the family of the arrested doctor. The arrested person is Dr. Aye Kyaw, a dentist, and 2 others were arrested along with him.

Dr. Aye Kyaw’s arrest is possible because he is standing on the side of the Chin ethnic Palewa residents, a Palewa resident told MT News.

“Other ethnic groups still don’t know how AA terrorizes the Paletwa people. All they know is that AA can fight armies and take cities. That’s why they say praise. Actually, it is the people of Paletwa who are suffering in Paletwa. The locals don’t dare to say. They threatened to kill me if I told them. Therefore, as a Chin ethnic, I want to help the Paletwa residents who are Chin ethnic to get rid of AA’s threats. Now, Dr. Aye Kyaw is also a doctor with esteem, loved by people. I don’t know why he was arrested. However, many people are saying that the doctor was arrested because he was standing on the side of the Chin ethnic people. That’s what I think too,” he told MT News via social media on October 2nd night.

After it was published in some AA-biased media that AA had occupied Paletwa City, AA appointed Dr. Aye Kyaw as the doctor in charge of Paletwa City Public Hospital. They are writing one-sidedly that the arrested person is believed to be arrested by the AA for conducting inspections due to trade issues, and there is no writing about the AA making threats against Palatwa residents.

The AA who settled in the Paletwa area have been abusing the Chin ethnics in various ways, so the Chin ethnics are protesting to leave the place as soon as possible. Also, it was reported in MT News that on August 10th, Chin refugees held a protest in Long Thalai city of Inida, to demand the leave of the AA armed groups from Chin State.
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