Preparation is necessary for flood-prone regions in Myanmar

7 September 2024

Meteorologist U Win Naing said on 7 September at 1:50 pm that heavy rains following remnants of the Yagi typhoon and a possible depression in the Bay of Bengal mean it is high time for flood-hit regions to prepare their own embankments as early as possible.

The image shows a change in the colour for Ayeyawady, Hlaing, Bago and Sittaung rivers from green to orange (warning level), red (danger level) and crimson (extreme level) due to the underwater in the rivers.

Due to the remnants of Yagi typhoon, heavy rain is likely in Sagaing, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw regions from 8 to 11 September. Lower Myanmar is also experiencing heavy rainfall due to a possible depression. As a result, he predicted that flood prevention measures should be prepared in flood-prone areas in the eastern and western parts of Bago Yoma, including dams and dykes.

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