More than ten thousand lottery tickets remain to be drawn

6 September 2024

At the opening of the 55th Aung Bar Lay Lottery, the Aung Bar Lay Award Division of the Ministry of Planning and Finance announced that more than 10,000 tickets are still to be drawn, including prize of 500 lakhs, prize of 200 lakhs, prize of 100 lakhs and more than 10000 tickets.

At the (55th) Aung Barlay Lottery opening ceremony, which was opened on October 1, 2023, more than 100,000 tickets were distributed and more than 10,000 tickets have not yet been claimed.

Among the prizes that were not drawn, there are more than 11,000 tickets, including one prize of 500 lakhs, two prizes of 200 lakhs, one prize of 100 lakhs, one prize of 50 lakhs and three prizes of 20 lakhs.

It has been announced that the winning tickets will be seized as tax revenue if they are not presented and collected at the Aung Barlay Thein Su branch offices in Yangon and Mandalay by September 30th.

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