Myanmar participates in the 21st ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces Meeting

6 September 2024

The Myanmar delegation, led by Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Soe Min Oo from the Commander-in-Chief’s Office (Army), attended the 21st ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces Meeting (ACDFM) along with the 14th ASEAN Military Operations Meeting (AMOM) and the 21st ASEAN Military Intelligence Meeting (AMIM) in Laos yesterday.

The meetings focused on “ASEAN — Together for Peace, Security, and Resilience,” with high-ranking military delegations discussing regional security issues.

The participants also approved the Two-Year Work Plan (2024-2026) and the Joint Statement of the 21st ACDFM. Malaysia was handed the ACDFM chairmanship for 2025.

Additionally, the Myanmar delegation held separate meetings with General Songwit Noonpackdee, Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, Senior Lt-Gen Nguyen Tan Cuong, chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) and Deputy Defence Minister, and General Vong Pisen, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, to discuss strengthening bilateral military relations and exchanged gifts.

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