There have been recorded 160 bird species at Kyonekapyin-Tapseik, including rare species

5 September 2024

According to the Kyonekapyin-Tapseik Wildlife Conservation Group (KTCG), the Kyonekapyin-Tapseik Wildlife Conservation Area, which is located in Shwe Laung sub-township, Wakema Township, Ayeyawady Region, has recorded 160 bird species, including those listed as rare in the world. So people are invited to see and enjoy these birds.

Local conservation members study and record the birds in the area every month. Based on their records, the KTCG team recorded 160 bird species until August 2024.

There are three types of bird species in Myanmar: indigenous species that breed in Myanmar, rainy-season laying birds, and hibernating species that breed during the cold season.

According to the KTCG, among the bird species, the world’s rare bird species are also found to be arriving, including Cormorants, Egret species, Watercocks, Moorhens, Sarus cranes, Kingfisher species, Common ioras, Crows, Cinnyris asiaticus and Flowerpeckers, Weaverbirds, Scaly-breasted munia, Sparrow species, Magpie robin, Red-whiskered bulbul, Jerdon’s babbler and Wabler species, whose arrival can be seen the whole year to build nests and lay eggs, Cuckoo species which come in the rainy season to lay eggs, and Black-winged stilt, Green sandpiper species, Kites, and Eagles, white-faced wagtail and Yellow-breasted bunting, that migrate in the cold season.

This bird conservation area is open to the public, so people can observe and record these birds in detail with the help of local tour guides.

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