Russia and Myanmar to sign visa waiver agreement at EEF 2024

4 september 2024

The Russian Federation and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar plan to sign an agreement on the introduction of a visa-free regime at the IX Eastern Economic Forum. EEF-2024 will be held on September 3–6 in Vladivostok. The organizer is the Roscongress Foundation.

“The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, as a regulator in the tourism sector, supports the establishment of a visa-free regime with the countries of the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Most of the agreements are at a high level of readiness. The introduction of a visa-free regime with Myanmar is one of the priority tasks. We plan to sign the agreement “on the sidelines” of the upcoming Eastern Economic Forum,” said Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Dmitry Vakhrukov, whose words are quoted by the press service of the department.

On September 7, 2022, within the framework of the VII Eastern Economic Forum, a meeting was held between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Administrative Council of Myanmar Min Aung Hlaing. The parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation.

On September 11, 2023, on the sidelines of the VIII Eastern Economic Forum, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Kobyakov held a meeting with representatives of the delegation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. New forms of mutual settlements, cooperation in the energy sector and the implementation of joint projects in various fields were discussed. Separately, the meeting participants discussed issues of simplifying the activities of Russian enterprises in Myanmar, harmonizing the legislation of the two countries, organizing import and export supplies, as well as developing a roadmap for cooperation.

In addition, in 2023, Russia and Myanmar restored direct air traffic. On September 5, 2023, the first regular flight of Myanmar Airways International arrived in Novosibirsk, which flew on the Yangon-Mandalay-Novosibirsk route.

Earlier, in November 2022, in the capital of Myanmar, Naypyidaw, the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (DFER) and the Investment Promotion Fund RK-Investments, the investment platform of the Roscongress Foundation, signed a memorandum of understanding. The purpose of the memorandum is to strengthen and develop comprehensive Russian-Myanmar relations in all areas of interaction – trade and economic, investment, humanitarian and educational, and cultural. The priority areas included support for initiatives in the field of trade exchange of various groups of goods, including energy, minerals, fertilizers, agricultural products, investment cooperation, as well as the development of a mechanism for mutual settlements within the framework of foreign economic activity between the two countries.

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