Report by Fortify Rights to investigate the Arakan armed AA for the massacre and rape of Bengalis by the ICC.

3 September, 2024

Fortify Rights, a human rights organization, has published a 19-page report urging the ICC to investigate the AA for mass murder and rape of Bengalis in northern Rakhine.

In the report, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been authorized to investigate the migration of Bengalis and other crimes and has requested AA to continue investigating the attacks on Bengalis.

Additionally, the AA shot and killed thousands of Bengalis using drones and firearms on August 5th and 6th. In June and July, they shot and killed Bengalis as they marched to seize Maungdaw. Many Bengalis, including children, were killed when a boat was attacked by a drone in the Nat River while fleeing Bangladesh. Reports indicate that the Arakan armed AA troops have committed war crimes, including the rape of Bengali women, with witnesses present.

Regarding Fortify Rights’ report on the mass killings and rapes of Bengalis by AA armed forces, AA Chief Tun Myat Naing it is stated that Fortify Rights wrote most of these reports were written with biased conclusions based on limited facts. Falsified Rights, a discredited rights group that draws erroneous conclusions from complex events, has prompted a response from The Fortify Rights team on his X. Ro Myat Thant stated on X that numerous materials could uncover the truth in this technological era. If the crime had not been committed against Bengalis, AA would not have faced blame for it.

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