The Military has started to clear the area in several townships in southern Rakhine

2 September 2024

It is reported that the Tatmadaw has started clearing the areas where the AA terrorist group operates in southern Rakhine State. MT News investigated with locals regarding the clearing of approximately four main AA terrorist bases in Toungup Township, the most traffic-intensive area in southern Rakhine State. This case occurred yesterday, August 31, around 7:00 p.m.

The Military cleared four areas of Kayaing village, Toungup Township. Kayaing village is easily accessible by road and water to the cities of Toungup. The AA terrorists exploited this situation, supplying the necessary manpower for their military operations. Kayaing village is also a village where weapons are stored and maintained. It is not far from Yaekout and Payit villages but near Thandwe town along the Toungup-Thandwe road, serving as AA’s medical center and military camp.

“The Military dropped the bomb yesterday at around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. The locations affected four places: Kansate, Lat Pan Kyaung, west of the school, and a long row of villages called Myit-Nar-Tan. That’s why one AA perished. To my knowledge, AA has isolated monasteries. Why do you say that? Buddhists keep weapons in monasteries, and it’s not appropriate for them to behave like an AA camp. Now that the Military has received detailed information about those areas, the army has cleared them,” a villager told MT News on September 1.

It is reported that, as a terrorist group, AA is based in a school in Kaying village. Weapons are stored in monasteries, and bases are being established in and around the port. Locals don’t dare to speak about AA, like it or not. When they remain silent, we always say that the army will drop. Now, it’s occurring. As of today (September 1), the locals have moved to villages without AA. Some who have cattle at home do not move because they cannot. However, about 2 out of 3 have changed,” the source said.

Residents also mentioned that the AA terrorist group has encircled Taungkot town and blocked access, raising the possibility of a clash. The source of MT News also reported that the AA terrorist group established a base in Taung Nyo village, nearest Toungup city.

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