SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects preservation of ancient religious and cultural heritage in Mandalay, pays homage to eminent pagodas

26 August 2024

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo and his wife, council members General Maung Maung Aye and his wife, Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and General Nyo Saw and his wife, Union ministers, senior Tatmadaw officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and officials, inspected maintenance and preservation of ancient religious edifices and cultural heritage in Mandalay and paid homage to eminent pagodas.
In the royal Mandalay city, the Senior General inspected maintenance of the western wall of the royal city and preparations to rebuild Sishay Bridge. Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture Daw Nu Mra Zan reported on the brief history of the bridge and its evidences and Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant on plans underway to rebuild Sishay Bridge.

The Senior General gave guidance to rebuild the bridge in original designs with improving the roads systematically.
At Maha Atulawaiyan (Atumashi) Monastery, the Senior General paid homage to Culamuni Buddha Image in the monastery and offered alms in the alms-bowl, fruits, flowers, water and oil lights.
After viewing the Buddha image, the Senior General gave instructions on long term existence of the image. The Senior General and his wife donated cash to the fund for renovation of the monastery. The Senior General signed the vistors’ book of the monastery.

The Senior General also viewed documentary photos on conveyance of the image and gave guidance on existence of the monastery, preservation of ancient heritages based on documentaries.
On arrival at Shwenandaw Monastery (Golden Monastery), the Senior General viewed round Myanmar handicrafts decorated inside and outside the monastery, and sculptural illustration of Jataka of the Buddhism. He instructed officials to systematically maintain these ancient heritages, preserve posts of the monastery for sustainability and fense the ancient heritage with glass to set a restricted area. He pointed out that posts of the monastery are under maintenance and tidiness, it can attract larger number of travellers.

The Senior General, his wife and party also visited Maha Thakya Marazein Kyauktawgyi Pagoda. At Maha Dhammikarama Shwegyin Monastery, the Senior General and party offered alms to Presiding Nayaka of the monastery Aggamaha Pandita Bhaddanta Thutivara. They also paid homage to the Buddha Image at 162 years old Kyunkyaung monastery where they viewed round statues of Shwegyin Sangharajas and urged officials to maintain the monastery.
The Senior General inspected maintenance and preservation of Myanansankyaw Golden Palace in Mandalay royal city where Deputy Minister Daw Nu Mra Zan and officials reported on maintenance of the golden palace and halls, and accomplishment of the guidance given by the Senior General on his inspection tour in May 2023. The Senior General then gave necessary guidance.

The Senior General and party viewed historical documentary photos of the palace and royal utensils and left necessary instructions.


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