Frontline Tatmadaw members, security forces provided with cash, foodstuffs

24 August 2024

THE well-wishers, ministries, and region and state governments donate cash and foodstuffs to Tatmadaw members and security forces stationed on the frontlines for national defence.

The families of the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office and Ministries 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office donated 11 types of foodstuffs, including tea mix, lemon tea, dried fish, Dagon rum, Red Ruby and Premium Gold, yesterday.

Union Ministers Admiral Moe Aung, U Ko Ko Hlaing and U Aung Kyaw Hoe, Deputy Ministers Maj-Gen Khun Thant Zaw Htoo, and U Htin Kyaw Thu and departmental officials observed the packing processes of food items at the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office.

Food worth K8,450,000 will be delivered to the Nay Pyi Taw Command for frontline Tatmadaw members and security forces.
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