Mytel donates 8 kilos of rice to each 70 needy households in Thawda Village, tatkon Township

16 August 2024

Mytel Company in Pyinmana donated 70 bags of 8 kilo of rice to 70 households in Thawda village, near Myanmar Audio and Television, along the old Yangon-Mandalay Road in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area.

On August 16th, Mytel Company employees joined forces with Thadar KyiPhyu Charitable Association and MoeSayTaNa Charitable Association (Pyinmana Office) to donate to Thawda Village.

The village has 450 houses and a population of 1,800, and the rice was donated mainly to elderly people who had no job, said U Maung Soe, Chairman of Thawda Village, Kyae Chaung Group, Tatkon Township.

An 81-year-old woman who received a rice donation said, “I am happy that donors came to donate during a difficult time. I lives alone. Age has gradually grown. I am still in good health,” she said.

Last month, Mytel Company in Pyimana donated 70 (8 Kilo) bags of rice to 70 households in Maringgyi Village, Zayathiri Township.

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