AA is the culprit in the death of hundreds of Bengali refugees due to the drone attack in Rakhine State

14 August 2024

A 24-year-old student named Hasan spoke on the phone from Bangladesh on August 9 that AA attacks north of Maungdaw township using heavy weapons and drones and he had to flee from the village on August 5.

While Hasan arrived at the bank of Nat River, he was wounded in the right leg by the shooting AA , but luckily he was able to escape across the river to meet a boat. In addition, Hasan also said that he witnessed the attack by AA drones on the river bank that day.

Another Bengali from Maungdaw, Mohammad Elias, also said his village was attacked by AA last week and “I witnessed the AA launching a drone to carry out an airstrike. When they entered the village, some young men were brutally stabbed to death by the AA. A lot of people died. My family members are also there,” he said.

On August 5th, as the AA group attacked with heavy weapon and drones in the village and Elias hid under a bridge and fled to Bangladesh the next day. Therefore, on August 5th, on the banks of the Nat River, more than 200 Bengali civilians were killed in a terrorist attack by AA drones, although they are not admitting that they were behind it, according to witnesses, it is obvious that AA committed the crime, and AA cannot be denied as the guilty.

Bengali activists and local media also reported that there are more committed crimes, sexual violences, houses being burned and forced conscription by the AA group in villages along the banks of the Nat River near the Myanmar-Bangladesh border after the terrorist attack on August 5.

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