Due to the emergency shutdown of two natural gas power plants in Myin Gyan, which were attacked by PDFs, power production will decrease by 4920 megawatt hours and there will be more power outages

13 August 2024

The Yangon City Electricity Corporation informed that two natural gas power plants in Myin Gyan Township, which are under attack by NUG-influenced PDFs, will be shut down due to the emergency shutdown, resulting in 4,920 megawatt-hours less power production and more power outages.

Due to the vandalism of PDFs, the V-Power Natural Gas Plant (Myin Gyan), which produces and transmits electricity in the national power system, was shut down on August 12 at around 11:20 am and the Sembcorp Natural Power Plant (Myin Gyan) had an emergency shutdown at 11:40 am, resulting in a reduction of 4,920 MWh of production and transmission from these generators to the power system.

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