International Youth Day 2024 observed; Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers address

12 August 2024

International Youth Day 2024 was observed at Wunna Theikdi Stadium C here this afternoon, addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members, union ministers, union level officials, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chair, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, deputy ministers, ministry officials, gold medal winner youths in international competitions, representatives of youths with disabilities, youth representatives from regions and states, marine and aviation youths, Red Cross youths and young scouts, students of universities, colleges and institutes in Nay Pyi Taw, youth development organizations and officials.

In his speech, the Senior General said global countries hold ceremonies marking the International Youth Day on 12 August every year, and Myanmar with the aim of increasing the number of youths who take part in community welfare services and national development undertakings, enhancing the youths’ knowledge of the International Youth Day and organizing more youths to partake in the event, and realizing the aspirations of youths, is also organizing the Day annually.

The UN adopted theme of the International Youth Day 2024 is “From Clicks To Progress: From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For outh Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development”.

The theme reminds us that youths should be the core of the accelerated endeavours for realizing the sustainable development goals, alongside the digitization process.

The country will open eight polytechnic universities in the academic year 2024-2025. In this regard, it is sure that it will produce qualified youth professionals as reinforcement of the power of science, technology and innovations in the country, generation of qualified human resources of the science and technology field, and promotion of research and innovation are the objectives of the project; and with the involvement of those youths, the country can accelerate its task for sustainable development.

Unlike the previous years, this year’s International Youth Day 2024 will organize youth forums, youth study tours and public welfare programs with the participation of invited youth representatives from regions and states.

According to the 2019 interim population census report, it was found that over 33 percent of Myanmar’s total population consists of young people. This indicates that Myanmar has a significant youth population, which can also be viewed as a strong workforce. Today’s youth are the future leaders who will shape and build the society of tomorrow, making them essential resources for the nation’s development. In other words, they are the future leaders of the country.

It is only by systematically and correctly training and nurturing young people that the future nation can be built to be prosperous and advanced. Only with youth who possess high morale, correct thinking, honesty, and comprehensive abilities can the nation be properly built. Therefore, it is advised to train and nurture young people to be complete in physical, intellectual, moral, social, and economic strength, known as the five strengths.

The third focus area of the State Administration Council’s social directives is “to enhance to enhance the youth sector so that young he youth sector so that young people can be a major force eople can be a major force in the nation’s development n the nation’s development processes and to ensure that rocesses and to ensure that they are endowed with the five hey are endowed with the five strengths.” Consequently, special trengths. emphasis is being placed on comprehensive development of the youth sector.

To develop well-rounded youth who are skilled professionals, knowledgeable experts, and are well-developed in the five strengths, and to guide them onto the correct path, so they can become good citizens who contribute to the country, the youth policy is being implemented. To make the youth development programs more effective, the State Administration Council has formed the Central Committee for Youth Affairs, the Youth Affairs Working Committee, and Youth Affairs Committees in Nay Pyi Taw, regions, and states. This is to ensure that youth development efforts are more effective and widespread than before.

A future society that is united, harmonious, outstanding, healthy, capable of critical thinking, with good morals, discipline, and integrity, can only be built by nurturing and developing such youth. Therefore, all relevant ministries, organizations, committees, and responsible persons are urged to work with transparency, responsibility, and accountability in the comprehensive youth development programs for the nation’s future.

Following this, the Senior General presented honorary awards to outstanding young people who had won gold medals in international competitions. Afterwards, Chairman of the Central Committee for Youth Affairs Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan presented a commemorative gift to the Senior General.

Finally, the Chairman of the Central Committee for Youth Affairs Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs read the message sent by the United Nations Secretary-General for International Youth Day 2024.

Then, the Senior General and attendees watched the video clip documenting activities for all-round development of youths to mark International Youth Day-2024.

Afterward, the Senior General and attendees enjoyed music honoring youths and cultural dances of national races.

Then, the Senior General and party posed for documentary photographs with outstanding youths who won gold medals in international competitions and the Senior General cordially greeted attendees.

After the ceremony, the Senior General and attendees earnestly viewed the documentary photograph exhibition to commemorate International Youth Day – 2024.

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