MT News
THE South-East Asian Central Banks-SEACEN Centre, Bank for International Settlements-BIS and the State Bank of Viet Nam held the SEACEN-BIS High-Level Seminar on Thursday and the 21st SEACEN Executive Committee-EXCO Meeting on Friday in the hybrid format (both in person and virtual).
Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Zaw Myint Naing joined the seminar and meeting.
During the SEACEN-BIS High-Level Seminar, Deputy-Governor Mr Pham Thanh Ha of the State Bank of Viet Nam, Managing Director Dr Mangal Goswami of the SEACEN Centre and Chief Representative Mr Tao Zhang of BIS made greeting speeches.
The seminar discussed “Current Inflation Challenges facing the Global Economy including Emerging and Frontier Markets”, “Macro-Financial Stability Frameworks forEMEs”, “Macro-Financial Stability Frameworks in Asian EMEs”, and “The SEACEN Perspective on Challenges and Options in Managing Capital Flows for Small, Open and Financialy Integrated Economies” and “Managing Macro-Financial Stability”.
Then, the deputy governors of 19 SEACEN members, managing directors of SEACEN and participants exchanged views on their opinions and experiences.
At the 21st SEACEN Executive Committee-EXCO Meeting, SEACEN Managing Director Dr Mangal Goswami and Deputy-Governor of the State Bank of Viet Nam Mr Pham Thanh Ha reported on the prioritized work plans in 2023, budget status, strategic plans of the SEACEN Centre, the appointment of directors for the SEACEN Centre, management of the SEACEN Centre, employment of External Auditor for the 2023-2025 financial year and deputy-governors of 19 SEACEN members coordinated the discussion.