MT News
Myanmar exported 1,900 tonnes of honey to abroad from 1 April to 31 December of the 2022-2023 fiscal year, according to the Myanmar Apiculture Association.
Over US$-3.5 billion was earned from the export of honey, Chairman of Myanmar Apiculture Association U Aung Khaing Htwe said.
Honey is commonly exported to South Korea, Japan, US, China (Taipei) and Singapore, and Japan is the biggest exporter of honey. Sesame flower honey, palm honey, sesame honey, sunflower honey and lychee honey have been produced. .
About 2,000 tonnes of honey is produced yearly for the domestic consumption and the country fetches foreign income from exporting 4,000 tonnes of honey. The beekeepers from 31 townships from nine regions and states are producing honey and the Apiculture Department is arranging for 1.5 million acres of crops for the bees to be pollinated.
Myanmar honey is exported to abroad through maritime route and border trade route.