10 January 2023
Myanmar exported over 4,000 tons of crab and over 9,000 tons of eel to China via Muse 105th mile border trade gate in past six months from June to December, 2022, according to an official of the Fisheries Department.
The country stopped export of live crabs and live eels to China due to COVID-19 pandemic. Myanmar’s exports of fisheries products to China have resumed since 20 June, 2022.
Myanmar earned 136317864.159 Yuan worth of 4793.688 metric tons of crab and 222328246.32 Yuan worth of 9037.92 metric tons of eel in past six months.
Currently, Myanmar companies and Chinese companies conducted official exports by connecting each other.
The fishery products such as crabs and eels across the country- Yangon, Ayeyawady, Bago, Mandalay regions and Rakhine State- are sent to China through the Muse 105th mile border trade gate.