MT News The State Administration Council started gold coin sales at Ks-2.7 million per tical in Yangon...
MT News Myanmar model Han Lay, a former beauty queen, was arrested at a Bangkok’s airport in...
MT News THE ASEAN Political and Security Community (SPSC) annually holds the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational...
MT News Myanmar government has planned to start the small-scale nuclear power plant project in the next...
MT News A meeting with CMP business investors was held yesterday morning at the meeting hall of...
MT News Priority will be given to public transportation sector in distribution of Russian fuel oil and...
MT News As the Ministry of Immigration and Population has enlisted more than 52 million people holding...
MT News THE Karen National Union/ Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC) delegation led by ViceChair Dr...
MT News The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Mobnukagakusho: MEXT) of Japan has invited...
MT News Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise has planned to supply Shwe offshore natural gas through Yenanchaung...