MT News As the MaraVijaya Buddha Image is being carved, the park is being built and the...
MT News State Administration Council of the Republic of Union of Myanmar held the kathina robes offering...
MT News THE Working Group on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism holds its first meeting...
MT News THE Department of Agriculture has invited private companies that are affiliated with the Myanmar Rice...
MT News Priority is given to importing and distribution of Semi-Knocked-Down cars (SKD) and the import permission...
MT News Trade Department is carrying out the import permission system guaranteed by export earning in Thailand-Myanmar...
MT News With the aim of developing the cultivation of Myanmar green gram, the government will implement...
MT News AS agriculture and livestock are the backbone of Myanmar’s economy, it earns foreign currencies from...
MT News Naming and house-warming ceremony of the tenth white elephant was held at the Yadana White...
MT News The Interactive Dialogues with Noeleen Heyzer, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations...