12 March 2023The seaborne trade is the largest in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, according to the data...
MT NewsOpening ceremony of Myanmar Health Sciences Conference (2023) was held at Myanmar International Convention Center II...
MT NewsMyanmar earned over US$-15.42 million from the Myanmar-India border trade from 1 April to March of...
11 March 2023Myanmar carried out exports with 1,611 trucks and imports with 273 trucks from 1 to...
MT NewsMyanmar earned more than US$-10.31 billion from the trade with ASEAN countries within nine months period...
MT NewsTaninthayi Region Government and Southern Coastline Group Co.,Ltd. signed a B.O.O contract on generating, distribution and...
Expenditure for education and health sectors to be allowed on a priority basis: Vice Chairman of SAC

Expenditure for education and health sectors to be allowed on a priority basis: Vice Chairman of SAC
MT NewsExpenditure for education and health sectors that will promote human resources, the sectors of agriculture, livestock...
MT News The agreement aims to ensure the successful development of the tourist flow between the Russian...
MT NewsVice Chairman of the State Administration Council Vice-Senior General Soe Win and Director of Operation of...
MT NewsThe test run of 19 sectors of the 22 sectors (workshops)of No 2 Steel Mill (Pinpet)...